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New Business Growth Workshops
Monday 07 September 2009

If you are involved in sales, marketing or services, we would like to invite you to our free IT and technology business growth workshops.

Anderson Baillie have launched their latest series of IT and technology business growth workshops, helping those in these industries who are struggling with the current commercial climate, to look beyond these times, grasp a strong value proposition and engage this through the sales and marketing teams helping senior executives produce strong, measureable and accessible forecasts over the coming months.

Based on a simple approach to proposition development and the creation of active content to support any sales arguments created, those attending the workshop will have their values challenged and repositioned, their targeting and channelling evaluated to ascertain new business markets and their approach to engaging business growth energised.

Free to attend these workshops are open to all in the sales, marketing or service functions. Contact Andrew Baillie, Managing Director of Anderson Baillie Marketing on 01925 217250 for more information and to book yourself on a workshop (locations include Manchester, Birmingham, Reading and London).

Case Studies
Business Objects Case Study - Fingertip Campaign - Click here to read this case study
Business Objects an SAP Company selected Anderson Baillie to develop a cross channel demand generation campaign with ‘built in’ lead management and tracking.
Computer Associates Case Study - Computer Associates - Click here to read this case study
Computer Associates commissioned Anderson Baillie to create a campaign and website to support its SMB security and
business continuity products.